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Federal Grants

2023 SurreyCares Federal Grants

We are pleased to announce grant recipients supported through the

Community Service Recovery Fund

SurreyCares Community Foundation is proud to have worked with community foundations across Canada as part of the Community Services Recovery Fund.


This fund is a collaboration between the Canadian Red Cross, Community Foundations of Canada, and United Way Centraide Canada to provide funding to Community Service Organizations, including non-profit organizations, Indigenous Governing Bodies or Registered Charities located in Canada. The Community Services Recovery Fund responds to what Community Service Organizations need right now and supports organizations as they adapt to the long-term impacts of the pandemic.


The Community Services Recovery Fund is a one-time investment from the Government of Canada of $400 million to help community service organizations (charities, non-profits, Indigenous governing bodies) adapt, modernize and be better equipped to improve the efficacy, accessibility and sustainability of the community services that they provide through the pandemic recovery and beyond.


The following projects are being supported in Surrey and surrounding communities:


  • 140 Sports Association - $25,000.00 - Step Forward Project - This project will help us address the increased need for mental health services. Modernizing communications and setting up fundraising systems will help shorten wait times. Developing a donor database with an enhanced accounting system will assist immensely in offering financial support to clients. Ultimately, this project will help us more actively support healthier citizens and communities.

    • About the organization - They work with community organizations to ensure quality, evidence-based care is available for ALL clients and the community at large through certified professionals. They support compassionate, accessible and inclusive support for citizens from all walks of life. This focus means actually being with those who need support in their darkest moments and connecting with them in a way they need so they don’t fall through the cracks.


  • Alouette River Management Society - $72,150.00 - Creating Sustainable Growth through Diversified Fundraising - The project will engage the services of a fundraising business specialist who will work closely with the Executive Director, Staff and Board to co-create a diverse fundraising strategy. The project will support the organization in modernizing the current revenue-generating plans, practices, and activities in order to strengthen its financial capacity and act as a catalyst for long-term sustainable growth.

    • About the organization - Alouette Watershed envisions a resilient ecosystem rich in biodiversity, culture, and recreation. Their mission is to sustain and enhance the integrity of the Alouette Watershed through advocacy, education, collaboration, and stewardship using science-based decision-making. They prioritize developing new connections and deepening existing relationships affecting the Alouette River Watershed. Secondly, to develop and deliver exceptional education and outreach experiences. Third, to monitor, protect, enhance, and advocate for the health of the Alouette Watershed.


  • BC Feed the Kids Foundation - $67,500.00 - Create a new fundraising program - To increase fundraising initiatives and funding for BC Feed the Kids. They need a focused fundraising program in place and are missing out on major revenue potential.

    • About the organization – Their mission is to empower BC communitIes to feed bellies and fuel minds so that every kid can thrive. When kids go hungry, they’re unable to focus, learn, and excel. We’re on a mission to fill BC’s youth food gap with free, accessible nutrition that allows kids to just be kids––while reaching their full potential.


  • Big Brothers Big Sisters Langley - $45,400.00 - Archival Digitization - The project will digitize their client and corporate records currently in paper form and create a customized portal to facilitate volunteer and family enrolment. The overall goal is to enable more flexibility in remote work, facilitate accurate and rapid participant screenings, research, and share information across Canada while maintaining privacy and security standards.

    • About the organization - They enable life-changing mentoring relationships to ignite the power and potential of young people. Since 1974, they have been matching children with adult role models in professionally supported mentoring relationships that help them achieve their biggest possible futures.


  • Brella Community Services Society -  $99,730.00 - Connecting the Dots: Systems Modernization and Integration - The project will ensure sufficient staffing to implement two new applications that they purchased in 2022 to modernize their paper-reliant systems. The eRSP application will fully digitalize, integrate, and secure the databases and HR system; the implementation of the donor management system (DMS) will keep their donors organized and assist in developing effective fund development strategies.

    • About the organization - Since 1977, the Brella Community Services Society has been making a difference by providing community-based services to older adults, families, and caregivers, enabling them to lead full, engaged, and meaningful lives. Their vision is to live in a safe, inclusive, engaging, and diverse community where older adults experience dignity and feel valued. From their locations in South Surrey, Newton and Guildford, they offer programs in three main service areas: Community Services; Dementia, Caregiver, and Family Services; and Adult Day Program. their inclusive services are person-centred and responsive to the emerging needs of all aging adults allowing them to stay at home for as long as possible. Furthermore, they provide access to resources and facilitate meaningful intergenerational connections to prevent ageism.


  • Burns Bog - $25,000.00 - Evaluate and update operational systems - The project will evaluate current systems and provide suggestions to increase efficiency and security. We have diverse processes using several software programs that do not work together and need to be integrated as much as possible to save staff time and duplication

    • About the organization - The ecological integrity of Burns Bog is protected and enhanced for the benefit of all life. They engage the community and other stakeholders in the protection and enhancement of Burns Bog through education, stewardship, research, and advocacy. Strategic Focus: Research, restoration, and stewardship, Community relations and partnerships, Advocacy and government relations, Education and outreach, Organizational sustainability


  • DCLS (Delta Community Living Services) - $100,000.00 - DCLS Finance, Payroll and Human Resources Software Overhaul - They plan to purchase new financial and human resources management software that is compatible with modern software systems, user-friendly, easily customizable, and cloud-based. The new system will replace the outdated software that is no longer eligible for updates, requires time-consuming manual data manipulation, is difficult to learn, lacks the ability to customize reports and relies heavily on paper-based processes.

    • About the organization - Delta Community Living Society (DCLS) supports people with developmental disabilities to live their best life by facilitating community connections, family supports, employment opportunities, and supportive housing options with a commitment to life-long learning, choice and self-determination. For over 60 years we’ve been designing personalized supports and fostering meaningful connections for hundreds of exceptional people throughout the lower mainland. 


  • Delta Stroke and Recovery - $21,950.00 - Digital Fund Raising Platform - Modernizing to a digital fundraising program will allow the Delta Stroke Recovery Society to attract and retain donors via a combination of the following tools: online donating tools, social media and email campaigns, crowdfunding, donor engagement, and metrics and reporting. The modernization impacts will allow for the development of an organized, transparent, and compelling paperless fundraising platform.

    • About the organization – The Delta Stroke Recovery Society (DSRS) purpose over the last 25 years has been to provide a respectful, inclusive, and supportive environment to serve stroke survivors and their caregivers in the North and South Delta, BC communities. They describe this as their “Partners in Recovery” (PIR) program. Their PIR program is designed to provide stroke survivors with continuing stroke recovery services after their completion of the hospital stroke survivors rehab service. Delta Stroke Recovery Society’s vision is to provide program services to assist stroke survivors in extending their ability to independent living.


  • DiverseCity - $99,824.00 - Automation to Deepen Impact and Efficiency Project (ADIE) - The currently manual heavy Accounting/Finance reporting will be improved through automation by enhancement of current accounting systems and software, & associated processes OR the identification and implementation of a viable alternative solution. This will save admin/finance staff time, provide more consistent, agile, and timely financial/HR reporting to program management, and improve report customization and complexity.

    • About the organization - At DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society, they help newcomers, and other diverse communities build the life they want in Canada. Their free, multilingual programs and services in settlement, language, employment, community engagement and mental health provide them with information, skills and connections for their journey toward success and belonging. Their social enterprises — DIVERSEcity Interpretation and Translation Services, DIVERSEcity Skills Training Centre and Language Testing Centre — support this work, too.


  • Encompass Support Services Society - $100,000.00 - Technology Enhancement Project - The project will evaluate and address the agency’s IT needs, including equipment such as laptops to platforms such as the Med Access EMR (Electronic Medical Record) for their Foundry Langley Centre. Funding for this project will increase the organization’s capacity to provide efficient and effective service delivery to clients/participants and the community through access to proper technology equipment and platforms.

    • About the organization – As a neighbourhood-based organization, their purpose is to strengthen the health and vitality of the community by identifying and responding to community needs, collaborating to enhance the lives of those they serve and cultivating effective, sustainable partnerships. Their vision is to empower individuals, connect people and enrich lives. ​Encompass is committed to being an effective and steadfast ally for those who are among the most vulnerable in society. We look to create cultural safety and humility, equity, accessibility and diversity in all of their spaces. Their organization encourages and provides opportunities for continuous learning, such as gender-affirming care, for staff and, when possible, the community. 


  • Fibromyalgia Well Spring Foundation - $68,584.00 - Fibromyalgia Well Spring Foundation Recovery Fund Projects - The project will install a chairlift in the Retail/Warehouse, update their information technology and advertise the Retail/Warehouse. Their disabled workers at the Retail/Warehouse need help to climb the stairs, their computer systems are prone to failure, and they need to make their Retail/Warehouse more known to the community.​

    • About the organization - The purpose of the Foundation is to provide long-term care for functionally independent persons suffering from fibromyalgia and related illness and conditions. They provide therapy and pain management to persons coping with fibromyalgia and related illness and conditions and provide counselling services for persons suffering from fibromyalgia and related illness and conditions. To make the public aware of the suffering of persons with fibromyalgia and related illness and conditions and fund research into the alleviation of fibromyalgia and related illness and conditions.


  • Food Bank on Wheels -  $60,066.00 - Full Service Marketing / Technology Package - This Funding will invest in systems and processes of their charity by developing a Full Service Marketing Package giving us strategies needed to improve the web development, video production, SEO, social media management, digital advertising along with out-of-the-box ideas. This will create the internal workings of their organization's overall structure when it comes to Social media outreach reaching more donors.

    • About the organization - FOOD BANK ON WHEELS is a Mobile Home Delivery Food Hamper Service. They provide Food Bank Home Delivery. They provide perishable & non-perishable food hampers to Single Parent Families, Individuals/seniors with disabilities who are poor & in need that cannot go to a regular Food Bank due to an ILLNESS or DISABILITY in the family, thus having transportation issues. (They are not a delivery service. They home deliver only to those who need it.)


  • Food for the Soul Program Society - $48,870.00 - Policy, processes and communications strategy development - We propose to undertake a policy review followed by formalizing their internal systems and processes, including developing a communication plan with social media. This will strengthen the organizations to respond to their rapid growth, future emergencies and to connect with the community.

    • About the organization – Food For The Soul Project Society was created to help those struggling with mental health & addictions. Particularly those who are low-income or homeless within the communities. They strive to provide resources and a safe space for those who need to connect with professionals in the mental health & addictions field. They thrive with the support of the volunteers who help bring their programs together. Their food, clothing & housing programs connect us with those most in need.


  • Great Light Healing Community Services Society - $99,814.00 - Fundraising strategy for mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic - The aim of the project is to create and implement a fundraising strategy with the help of an expert. This will enable the organization to acquire the financial and human resources capacity to meet post-pandemic related programs/service needs.

    • About the organization – Great Light Healing Community Services Society (GLHCSS) provides comprehensive services including community connections and outreach, youth services, family and children development, career and employment, health and wellness, immigrant settlement services, crisis management and referrals, and many more. Services recipients include individuals of all ages. GLHCSS is a Black-led organization, and over 75% of its clients come from the Black community and other racialized groups. 


  • Guildford Islamic Cultural Centre - $50,000.00 - Strengthening GICC’s Systems and Processes - GICC will invest in a new CRM platform, upgraded accounting software, and developing a novel fundraising strategy (focused on digital marketing and social media). Given the drop in engagement and revenue GICC experienced due to COVID-19, these activities will modernize their internal systems/processes and allow us to continue sustainably expanding their programming to serve their local community.

    • About the organization - The Guildford Islamic Cultural Center (GICC) is not just a mosque for prayers but a community center for all. GICC focuses on knowledge, spirituality, community, and service to others. In addition to operating a mosque and Islamic School, the Center provides diverse community-based events and initiatives, including youth nights, conferences, seniors’ activities, funeral aid services, youth STEM activities (e.g., database programming, Python), mothers/daughters wellness program, kids’ craft day, spring camp, and Iftar meal packet distributions.


  • Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara Society – $100,000.00 - Social Media & Kitchen Storage Addition - Upgrade mass communication resources and add more storage spaces in the kitchen. Through social media, they can reach out to more people in need and with more storage space in the kitchen, they will be able to provide more food to those in need.

    • About the organization - The Gurdwara Sahib is a place for acquiring spiritual knowledge and wisdom. Gurdwara Sahib also brings the community together and builds stronger community relationships. They believe in one GOD and recognize the entire human race as one. Our mission is to create zero hunger, and the gurdwara kitchen is open 24 hours, seven days a week, to provide free food to everyone without any discrimination. Our volunteers also try to deliver food to other places or communities in need.


  • Inclusion Langley Society - $60,082.00 - Using Technology to Improve Organizational Capacity - The project will provide the organization with a new server, requisite licenses and laptop computers for staff. This will enable more staff to work directly in the community and in family homes, improving the efficiency and security of access to the organization's information management system from remote locations. This will also lessen the demand for office space.

    • About the organization – Inclusion Langley Society is a dynamic organization that supports in excess of 1300 children, youth and adults with developmental delays or intellectual disability. We provide child and family-centred early intervention services and person-centred support for youth and adults with intellectual disability and ADS. Our mission is to improve the quality of life of those they serve and their families and assist in building an inclusive community that welcomes everyone.


  • Kekinow Native Housing Society - $24,100.00 - Tenant Management Solution - The society will implement paperless & contactless (not requiring personal presence ) procedures into processes related to Residential Unit condition Inspection, Tenant requests management and Housing application management. Tenant Management solution will incorporate advanced IT systems to impact the operational processes for greater efficiency positively and will reduce the negative impact of Covid-19 on the operation and delivery of Housing programs.

    • About the organization - To relieve poverty by providing residential housing and incidental facilities at below market rate to Indigenous Persons of low income in British Columbia and undertake activities ancillary and incidental to attain the above purposes.


  • Kennedy Hall Community Association - $50,000.00 - Kennedy Hall Project Upgrade 2023 - This project will provide an upgraded heating + air conditioning system by replacing the 63-year-old system they have now, and a new audio system will replace the 35+-year-old system. This will help their organization to provide their patrons with cleaner air to breathe, and the new audio system will provide a squeal-free listening experience.

    • About the organization – The Kennedy Hall Community Association was established and registered in 1941. The Hall was built in 1934. Their Mission is to serve the community as a meeting place and center for social activity for everyone.


  • Langley Care Society - $30,000.00 - Systems Enhancement - This project will improve the internal and external communications of the organization. Computer software and procedures will help us to manage data, integrate with existing systems and effectively disseminate to appropriate stakeholders.

    • About the organization – The Langley Care Society's mission is to provide exceptional care and enrichment for their community's aging population. Langley Care Society owns and operates a not-for-profit, equal access, accredited residential long-term care home known as Langley Lodge, which provides 24/7 nursing care for seniors and community programs for people not requiring long-term care. We serve the frailest and most dependent seniors in their society by building community and enriching the quality of life.


  • Langley Pos-Abilities Society - $71,000.00 - Reorganization for the Future - The organization needs to hire staff to help keep track of their projects, volunteers, and inventory. We need to be able to develop an easy way to communicate with their board on a regular basis and have them be able to access records/reports to do their job efficiently.

    • About the organization - Langley Pos-abilities Society is a non-profit, volunteer-supported agency established to help Langley residents with disabilities who do not qualify for government or private assistance or those who are unaware of available programs. They believe in IDEA-Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and accessibility. The Services include: Providing and upgrading assistive equipment for their clients as needed. 


  • Lower Fraser Valley Aboriginal Society - $99,886.00 - Iyáqt ("to transform" in Halq'eméylem) Project - The Iyáqt Project will enhance LFVAS’s organizational capacity by implementing online human resource and case management systems and communications strategies. The project with transforming LFVAS' systems, processes, and strategies to alleviate the burden of manual procedures on staff, so they can better dedicate time and resources to enhanced service delivery.

    • About the organization – They are comprised of a dedicated group of individuals who promote, support and advocate for services to meet the needs of Aboriginal families in the Langley area. We organize events to help build their community. They provide support, assistance and referrals to urban Aboriginals and their families. The organization provides programs in areas including but not limited to social, cultural, recreational, economic, community development, and cultural and historical restoration.


  • Lutheran Senior Citizens Housing Society - $100,000.00 - Nurse Call System Replacement - The project replaces the wireless nurse-call system with a hardwired system and new phones for communicating with residents. The replacement will be a modern solution, as their current system is a patchwork of phones, nursecall software and middleware that are becoming obsolete; the system’s phones are no longer available, and, as they fail, the system will be unusable.

    • About the organization – Zion Park Manor provides a home-like atmosphere for elders who need care from dedicated, passionate, educated staff. We welcome families to their homes as active members of the team. The home contains four neighbourhoods and utilizes the Eden philosophy as its model of care. It is owned and operated by the Lutheran Senior Citizens Housing Society.


  • North Surrey Mustangs Football Club - $99,760.00 - NSFC Mustangs Digital Modernization and Redesign project - Mustangs Redesign project will modernize the organization by creating an online registration and payment system, a digital training program for coaches and volunteers and an online donation portal for children from low-income families. This will support the organization's adaptation to modern ways of operating and increase accessibility for members and donors.

    • About the organization – The soccer organization is dedicated to building a strong, united community through a holistic approach to athlete development. Their mission is to provide equal opportunities for everyone to participate in organized soccer, guided by a clear and effective training program that fosters physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Their vision is to use sport to unite the community, creating a sense of pride and belonging for all. Their constitution prioritizes inclusivity and equality, ensuring every person has access to high-level coaching and soccer activities, regardless of financial background, socio-economic status, sex/gender, or race.


  • Pathfinder Youth Centre Society - $66,752.00 - Pathfinder Youth Centre Society's Application and Data Management System - This project will implement a new application portal and database to manage, access, and use youth application data more efficiently. It will support the Pathfinder Youth Centre Society in modernizing its application and data management processes, enabling staff to better support at-risk young people and their families while reducing the organization's cost and time requirements.

    • About the organization - At Pathfinder Youth Society, they honour and respect the unique culture, religion, developmental experience, and worldview of every young adult in their program. Services are delivered with consciousness, integrity, sensitivity and a commitment to the safety and well-being of all individuals. They believe that all young people and their families can be society's greatest resource; their relationships with their clients, young people and their families must be based on mutual trust and respect. Life skills, education, and employment skills are the foundation for a self-sufficient and independent life.


  • Peace Arch Hospital Auxiliary Society - $57,529.00 - Revitalizing the Auxiliary through infrastructure update - To reimagine, revitalize and relaunch the Peace Arch Hospital Auxiliary to be attractive to younger and more diverse volunteers; to attract legacy and monthly donors; to attract sponsors and to also have the electronic infrastructure to sustain the organization. This project will enhance the image of the organization in the community and enable us to meet their mission

    • About the organization - The Peace Arch Hospital Auxiliary is a 75-year-old organization committed to supporting patient care and comfort at Peace Arch Hospital. We contribute to patient care programs and services, patient care equipment and capital projects at Peace Arch Hospital. Since their inception, they have donated more than 16 million dollars to the hospital. Our Society is primarily a volunteer organization with a few paid staff (administrative assistant/bookkeeper and some staff in their Thrift Store.


  • REACH Child and Youth Development Society - $49,803.00 - Strengthening Capacity through Virtual Technology- This project will provide the equipment needed to strengthen and extend our capacity and the knowledge gained from our COVID experience. The purchase of therapy cameras, laptops, internet and hybrid meeting systems will allow us to: increase fundraising; expand remote collaboration between staff and families; access to therapy, education, and counselling; for the most efficient service to children and families.

    • About the organization - Reach is a non-profit society that provides timely, accessible and family-centred community programs and services for the optimal development of children and youth from birth to 19 years dealing with Autism and developmental disabilities. Their programs include families in the process as much as possible and help children reach their full potential. The programs include - infant development, applied behaviour analysis, developmental preschool, aboriginal supported child development, speech and language, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, respite, positive behaviour support, counselling, peer support, teen social group and more.


  • Ridge Meadows Seniors Society - $96,000.00 - Digital Refresh for RMSS - The project will help them discover and implement a modernized software system that will add value, support and a more positive experience for older adults, staff and volunteers. The software will assist them in managing all areas of their operations, including room bookings, memberships, recreation program management and statistics, point of sale, and payment applications and enhance their accounting system.

    • About the organization – They provide services, foster shared experiences, and advance the well-being of adults 55+ in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. Some of their established programs are designed to meet many degrees of health: -Physical activities such as fitness classes for all fitness levels, games, sports, a variety of styles and levels of dance classes and walking groups.


  • Solid State Community Society - $100,000.00 - Scaling, updating and modernizing Solid State Community Industries - Solid State has grown very significantly and very quickly through the pandemic, and this project will do the much-needed work of updating and scaling their governance, bookkeeping, record-keeping, fundraising and organizational policies. This work will allow us to support current organizational growth and the platform to launch between 5-10 new co-op enterprises annually going forward.

    • About the organization – Solid State Community Society is building a network of worker co-operative enterprises with low-income racialized migrant communities in Surrey, BC. They currently have 20 co-ops in operation with 150+ members, primarily youth, from 35+ national backgrounds. With the support of mentors, advisers and community partners, members gain training and skills toward long-term economic self-reliance and collectively build durable co-op enterprises. More than that, their model is fundamentally about nurturing long-term attachments and commitments: they believe that by working co-operatively together over an extended period, their cohorts develop a familial sense of place and belonging and a different set of relational possibilities.


  • SOS Children's Village BC - $97,000.00 - SOS BC Recovery 2023 - The project will support aligning their strategic plan with current economic and social needs, improve their ability to better meet the needs and reach of the community, increase revenue generation for sustainable programs, support governance capacity building, support the knowledge and practice of Reconciliation work within their practice, and evaluate the status of their alumni to help secure funding opportunities.

    • About the organization - They empower children, youth and families in need to grow into caring, self-reliant people from the foundation of their core village. Their vision is that every child belongs to a family and grows with love, respect and security. SOS Children's Village BC was incorporated in 1986 and has operated since 1999. The Village, their flagship program, was created as a grassroots response to the unmet needs of children and youth in the foster care system, namely the frequent replacement breakdowns and moves for children and youth in foster care. Through their Village model, they provide family-based foster care for children and youth in their communities.


  • South Asian Legal Clinic of British Columbia - $100,000.00 - Board Restructuring and Pivoting Legal Services - SALCBC will hire a consultant to assist in creating and implementing a strategy to transition the operational Board to a governance Board and with hybrid service delivery. These activities will improve the retention of senior Board members and ensure long-term organizational resilience as they bring on employees to take on operational leadership as well as pivot and expand their legal services.

    • About the organization – The South Asian Legal Clinic of British Columbia (SALCBC) is committed to improving access to justice for South Asians in British Columbia. SALCBC focuses on issues affecting the daily lives of South Asian British Columbians, including legal issues around immigration status, child protection and custody, separation and divorce, domestic violence, sexual assault, racial discrimination and profiling, economic justice for workers, elder abuse, mental health, and wills and estates. SALC BC operates a free legal advice clinic and provides legal information and education to British Columbians who self-identify as South Asian. 


  • Surrey Hospice Society - $60,000.00 - Operation:CMS - This project will find, adapt, adopt and roll out a client management system for Surrey Hospice Society. This will enable us to better track needs, contacts & interactions with clients, volunteers, community stakeholders & donors in order to better meet service & communication needs within the new digital & hybrid online/in-person world post-pandemic.

    • About the organization - The Society was severely impacted by COVID-19 – both in the fulfillment of its mission & reason for existing(to offer companionship to the dying & bereaved) & in the ability to raise funds to support the services as this has been traditionally done with in-person events. They were required to find new & innovative ways to reach those in need & to offer support. This change in operations has meant that they need to update the method they use to track & communicate with their clients, volunteers, and stakeholders in order to best connect & ensure that those in need are being served. 


  • Township of Langley Fire Fighters Charity - $10,200.00 - Modernizing our accounting systems - Modernizing their accounting will free up administrative time to volunteer more. A newer accounting and invoicing program will save time, they currently have no paid staff, and every bodies time is valuable. Having an electronic program that will make us more efficient.

    • About the organization – They provide a hand up instead of a hand out to all members of the community so they all prosper in the Township of Langley.


  • The Realistic Success Recovery - $30,000.00 - Fundraising for Excellent Supportive Recovery - Development and implementation of a new fundraising plan designed by a Professional who will leverage their 15 years of grant writing and fundraising by raising new funds to provide financial security. We need a detailed implemented fundraising plan tailored to their charity created by outside resources which will bring new ideas and raise new money, enabling us to focus on client service.

    • About the organization - The Mission of the Realistic Success Recovery Society is to provide the highest quality ethical, long-term recovery program for residents who wish to recover and heal from their addictions. From the desperation of addiction to hope and healing.


  • The Sur-Del Easy Does It Club Society - $10,000.00 - Embrace Social Media - Install better lighting and audio-visual equipment to enable hybrid meetings in small and big meeting rooms with a way to protect anonymity for those who wish. Make an economical but professional-level youtube studio and encourage the development of Recovery related videos. Develop a modern web page, e.g. WIX or such, that can accept donations and memberships.

    • About the organization - The Sur-Del Easy Does It Club is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping those suffering from addiction. There are a variety of anonymous meetings held daily, and they are open 24 hrs a day over Christmas and New Year’s. They are open for the public to come and have coffee and a snack, socialize, play cards and have fellowship. People may enjoy daily recovery meetings such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous and other 12-step fellowships.

We'd like to thank the City of Surrey for allowing us to use many of their amazing photos of life in Surrey.


Phone: 604-591-2699


P.O. Box 34089, Surrey, BC,

Canada V3S 8C4


Charitable Registration:

892378043 RR0001

SurreyCares acknowledge that our work is carried out on the shared and unceded traditional territories of the Fraser Salish People, including the Kwantlen, Katzie, QayQayt, Semiahmoo, and Tsawwassen. We are grateful to the Indigenous peoples who have cared for these lands since time immemorial.

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